What advice do you think people in their 40s would give to those in their 20s and 30s?
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Hello everyone! I am Abdulkadir. I am currently a university student in the English Language Teaching department in Türkiye.
Participants · 8 people
Question list
- Ice breaking
- Main topic
- Free talk
Q1. | If you could be an expert in any useless skill, what would it be? |
Q2. | Do you easily get close with people? |
Q3. | What is your favorite quote and why? |
Q4. | What is your favorite season and why? |
Q5. | What are some traditions or customs from your family's cultural background that you would like to continue or revive? |
Q6. | Can you recognise when someone is trying to manipulate you? |
Q7. | Do you have a favorite genre of music? If so, what is it? |
Q8. | Should/would you forgive a partner who cheated? |
Q1. | What advice do you think people in their 40s would give to those in their 20s and 30s? |
Q2. | How do you think your perspective on life will change as you get older? |
Q3. | What are some common mistakes young people make that they might regret later? |
Q4. | Do you think financial planning in your 20s and 30s significantly impacts life in your 40s? Why or why not? |
Q5. | How do relationships and friendships evolve as people move into their 40s? |
Q6. | What are some things younger people tend to worry about that may not matter in the long run? |
Q7. | If you could get one piece of life advice from a 40-year-old, what would it be? |
Q8. | What habits or mindsets do you think are important to develop early for a fulfilling life later on? |
Q1. | What is your favorite ice cream flavor and why? |
Q2. | What do you do if your kindness is not reciprocated? |
Q3. | Do you believe in fate or do you think we control our own destinies? |
Q4. | If you could choose any animal as a loyal companion, which one would you pick? |
Q5. | Do you usually prefer to socialize in small groups or large ones? |
Q6. | How often do you tell someone you miss them? |
Q7. | What is the most meaningful or valuable thing you own? |
Q8. | Do you want to get surprised on your birthdays? |
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