What do you think are the biggest threats to human survival today?
Learn topic-related expressions and join the speaking club to practice them!

Marhaban everyone! my name is Bilel and I'm from Tunisia . I have a bachelor's degree in English (International Relations). I have worked as a translator, International Business Developer and a director in a teaching center. After COVID, I started my carrier as a part-time English teacher in Tunis, the capital city of Tunisia. I'm an ambitious person, and never give up my dream of working for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Tunisia, and why not be an ambassador someday!?
I'm thrilled to see you all in the Langclub sessions.
Participants · 10 people
Michael lee
Question list
- Ice breaking
- Main topic
- Free talk
Q1. | If you had 100$ and had to give it away, who would you give it to? |
Q2. | If you could start any new hobby, what would it be? |
Q3. | Are you a spender or a saver? |
Q4. | How do you think schools can better address the unique needs and challenges faced by today's youth? |
Q5. | If you could have any animal as a pet, what would you choose and why? |
Q6. | Are you good at taking photos? |
Q7. | If you could master any type of dance, which one would you choose and why? |
Q8. | What technology do you use the most for work? |
Q1. | What do you think are the biggest threats to human survival today? |
Q2. | How might environmental issues like climate change contribute to humanity’s decline? |
Q3. | Do you believe advancements in technology, like AI or automation, could play a role in human disappearance? Why or why not? |
Q4. | How do population trends, such as declining birth rates in some countries, affect the future of humanity? |
Q5. | Are humans responsible for their own potential extinction through conflicts or resource overuse? |
Q6. | Do you think space exploration could be a solution to humanity’s survival? Why or why not? |
Q7. | How do you think pandemics or global health crises influence fears about human survival? |
Q8. | What actions can society take now to prevent the possibility of humans vanishing in the future? |
Q1. | Do you have any cousins? |
Q2. | What are your views on gender pay gap? |
Q3. | What incredibly common thing have you never done? |
Q4. | If you had to pick a new name for yourself, what would it be and why? |
Q5. | How can we encourage more innovation and entrepreneurship? |
Q6. | If you were a genie in a bottle, who would you like to serve as your master? |
Q7. | How do you navigate the balance between self-care and caring for others? |
Q8. | What are some of the most significant challenges facing the global community today? |
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