Why do you think people procrastinate, even when they know it causes stress or guilt?
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I'm Teacher Michael, a licensed English teacher.
I'm originally from the United States, but I have been working as a full-time TEFL-certified high school English teacher in Thailand since 2013. I have a Bachelor's Degree in International Relations and I am currently studying for my Master's Degree in Liberal Arts.
Participants · 16 people
Andy Merino
Question list
- Ice breaking
- Main topic
- Free talk
Q1. | What is something that's easy for you but difficult for most other people? |
Q2. | What's a day in your life like? |
Q3. | What motivates you most in life, and why is it important to you? |
Q4. | Have you ever tried an unusual sport or activity? What was it like? |
Q5. | What's your favorite way to spend a rainy day? |
Q6. | How do you stay disciplined and committed to your goals, even when faced with distractions or challenges? |
Q7. | If you could witness any historical event, what would it be? |
Q8. | Have you ever tried a traditional dish from another country? |
Q1. | Why do you think people procrastinate, even when they know it causes stress or guilt? |
Q2. | Have you ever identified the specific reasons behind your own procrastination habits? |
Q3. | Do you believe fear of failure or perfectionism contributes more to procrastination? Why? |
Q4. | How does procrastination affect your mood and productivity in the long term? |
Q5. | What strategies have you tried to overcome procrastination, and were they effective? |
Q6. | Do you think breaking tasks into smaller steps can help reduce procrastination? Why or why not? |
Q7. | How does procrastination differ when dealing with tasks you enjoy versus tasks you dislike? |
Q8. | Can procrastination ever be beneficial, or does it always have negative consequences? |
Q1. | Do you keep a to-do list? |
Q2. | Are you a person who sees details or the big picture? |
Q3. | How can we learn to accept and embrace change in our lives? |
Q4. | How do you perceive the concept of learning? |
Q5. | How do you maintain a positive mindset and outlook on life? |
Q6. | How do you prioritize your goals and ensure that you are working towards the most important ones? |
Q7. | What do you believe is the key to personal success? |
Q8. | How can we prevent elder abuse? |
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